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Press / News

A complete cement factory to Mongolia

The DS-Spedition as a specialist for project business was instructed by an international customer to supply a cement factory to one of the most uneconomical parts on the edge of

the Gobi desert.

The DS-Spedition as a specialist for project business was instructed by an international customer to supply a cement factory to one of the most uneconomical parts on the edge of
the Gobi desert.

To supply the individual part deliveries of the facility with a size of more than 53,000 cubic metres on time, an international project team did a time analysis and also manufacturability
analysis. They were summarised and presented to the client.

The following challenges (extract) had to be solved:

  • Total volume: 53,209 cubic metres
  • Total weight: 12,585 tonnes
  • Individual parts of the facility were delivered from all over Europe and Asia (Turkey, India and China)
  • The individual parts had excess height and excess width
  • The customer gave reduced delivery time frames for the individual parts
  • Extensive international paperwork
  • The delivery place was difficult to access for special transports

About the DS-Spedition
The DS-Spedition’s headquarters are situated in Munich with subsidiaries in Berlin, Hungary and Moscow. It is an owner-managed and medium-sized full-service provider. We are the
best partner in every question about logistics and supply chain. For truck transport, intermodal transport, warehouse logistics, bespoke logistics or project logistics, the DSSpedition
command specialised units to provide always the optimum solution for every requirement.