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More than 5000 KM across Eurasia

DS Spedition delivers steel components for a state-of-the-art power plant in western Siberia

To ensure the smooth construction of a high-tech power plant in western Siberia, DS Spedition, as a reliable partner for the Russian project business, was put in charge of with this complex task.

For DS Spedition’s established project team following challenges arose, which were listed in a feasibility study and transferred to a viable solution concept:

  • The plant parts were shipped from all over Europe and Asia
  • The plant parts were oversized and extremely heavy
  • Several EU and non EU countries had to be crossed
  • The client specified tight delivery time frames for each part
  • Combined transport means (train /ship/truck) had to be adapted to the delivery periods
  • Bad weather (onset of winter) jeopardizes the realization of the project
  • Extensive bureaucratic procedures
  • and several others

Upon approval of the concept extensive preparations the project was carried out in October 2011. With more than 80 special and heavy load transports more than three thousand tons of heavy equipment and large parts were started off on their more than 5000-km-journey. Thanks to DS Spedition’s modern tracking system all occurring obstacles and uncertainties could be recognized and solved already at the very beginning. Thus, within only one month, a complete power plant was delivered from the entire EU region to Western Siberia despite the onset of the Russian winter.

With its head office in Munich and branches in Berlin, Hamburg, Sao Paulo and Moscow, mid-sized DS Spedition provides a full service and is your preferred partner in all logistics and external supply chain issues. Whether transport by truck, air and sea, combined freight transport, storage-, project- or special logistics – DS Spedition has special units offering optimal solutions to its customers for each task.